May 2021 Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Minutes May 1, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger attended the storm spotter training for Caldwell County at the Hamilton Hotel.

Commissioners Minutes May 3, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott-absent.
They opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the agenda with corrections and Commissioner Motsinger seconded, roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Weekly bills were paid.
Prosecuting Attorney Brady Kopek stopped to tell commission that the air conditioning in the courtroom wasn’t working. Clerk Owen contacted Colt Arnold to get it repaired.
Commissioner Abbott arrived.
Commissioner Abbott moved to donate $300 to Kingston Church of the Nazarene for the Commissioner meeting room usage for Little Otter Creek. Commissioner Hibler seconded and a roll call vote was called as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners met with Mark Merrill, Emergency Management Director to discuss purchasing a boat to use for water rescue and the need to have a handheld Moswin radio for his department.
Commissioners met with Will Railsback, Caldwell County Ambulance Director by phone. He inquired about the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) and what the guidelines for requesting funds would be. The county does not have information for it at this time.
Commissioners met with Collector/Treasurer Beth Larkins regarding the bond for her office employees and questions about some of the Chapter 100 accounts held by the county.
Commissioner Motsinger signed the Community Assistance Program (CAP) with Missouri Department of Conservation.
Commissioners reviewed BRO-B013 (40) progress invoice #6 on John Deere Road for payment of $10,204.47 to Burns & McDonnell. Commissioner Motsinger signed the request to get it reimbursed from Missouri Department of Transportation.
Commissioners met with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development for the county.
Commissioners met with Corinne Watts and Jennifer Wycoff from Green Hills Regional Planning Commission to discuss the Caldwell County Hazard Mitigation Plan which needs updated every 5 years and is due in September 2021.
Commissioners reviewed a sample credit card policy to consider adopting for the county.
Commissioners reviewed the current employee handbook to update it.
Commissioners reviewed the easements for the Little Otter Creek mitigation AOP sites. Commissioner Motsinger signed the letters to the landowners regarding the easements.
Meeting adjourned.

Commissioners Minutes May 5, 2021
Commissioners Bud Motsinger and Rex Hibler met with Cary Sayre, Jason Teeter and Greg Pitchford from Allstate and Andrew Rackers and Brandon Viers of NRCS and Trevor Evans of CP Construction at the Little Otter Creek site.

Commissioners Minutes May 10, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:35 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott- absent. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Motsinger moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Hibler seconded. A roll call vote was taken as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott absent.
Weekly bills were paid.
Commissioner Abbott arrived at 8:45 am after meeting with Caldwell County Sheriff’s office.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge supervisor. They discussed the ditch work being done and Old 36 Highway.
Commissioners had a phone call from Rose Yates, Program Delivery Manager for FEMA.
Clerk Owen gave commissioners the county expenditure report through April 30, 2021 which includes the percentage of budget expended for the year.
Commissioners met with Danny Kincaid of DanComp Computers regarding the Cyber Defenses assessment that the Secretary of State’s office did for the county election authority.
Commissioners met by Zoom call with Allstate Consultants for the weekly update on the Little Otter Creek construction.
Commissioners met with Derin Campbell and Brian Harrington regarding the plans for Sandstone Drive.
Commissioners met with Sheriff Mitch Allen regarding a key card system for the jail and the Sheriff’s office and the temporary evidence room. There is a one-time cost of $6,195 with Midwest Card & ID Solutions.
Commissioners called and left a message for Attorney Ed Proctor to discuss the Little Otter Creek bills.
Commissioners discussed a bill from Public Water Supply District #3 of Caldwell County to install a meter at the house on Little Otter Creek that will be used for the lab during construction. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve Bud Motsinger to sign the agreement with PWSD #3 to install a meter at the county property at 5938 NE Ponderosa, Hamilton, MO. Seconded by Commissioner Abbott, and a roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. Commissioner Bud Motsinger signed the agreement.
Commissioners reviewed new guidelines for the American Rescue Plan of 2021 (ARPA).
Commissioners reviewed the current employee handbook to update it.
Commissioners discussed a credit card policy for the county and decided it wasn’t necessary.
Commissioner Motsinger moved to approve the request per the MOU with Caldwell County Health Department for a check for $23,643.25 to be paid out of the CARES Act fund. Seconded by Commissioner Abbott. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Clerk Owen asked the commissioners to look at the bid for depository for the county.
Commissioners signed a letter to Ryan Stack, Chief Engineer for Missouri Department of Natural Resources to change the county’s Engineer of Record for Dam Construction to Andrew Rackers of NRCS.
Commissioners left Senator Hoskins a message expressing our concerns about raising Sheriff’s salaries to match associate judge’s salaries.
Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the April 19-30 and May 1, 3, 5 meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Abbott. Roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioner Hibler left at 1:30 pm.
Commissioners met with Rich Bartow of Raymond James Public Finance to discuss funds of the county.
Meeting adjourned at 1:45 PM.

Commissioners Minutes May 13, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger attended the North Central Missouri Business Facilitation (NCMBF) meeting in Cameron.

Commissioners Minutes May 14, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Caldwell County Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger; present Rex Hibler; present Jonathan Abbott; absent. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded. A roll call vote was taken; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted absent.
Payroll was signed.
Commissioners met with department heads and elected officials for the quarterly meeting.
Commissioners met with Attorney Ed Proctor by phone regarding the Log Creek Lawsuit settlement.
Commissioner Hibler moved to approve Commissioner Motsinger to sign General Release & Settlement Agreement for Log Creek bridge Case No. 19CL-CC00015. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Attorney Ed Proctor is working on the lease agreement for the house on Little Otter Creek property that will be used as a lab by Allstate Consultants for the construction lab of the dam.
Commissioner Hibler moved to allow Clerk Owen to do what is required in the portal to request funds for the American Rescue Plan /act of 2021. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Commissioners discussed and decided to remove the court mandated requirement to have temperature taken to enter the courthouse.
Meeting adjourned at 12:10 PM.

Commissioners Minutes May 17, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:41 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott-absent. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded, roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the meeting minutes from May 10, 13, 14. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Weekly bills were paid.
Commissioners called Gabe Bowen about final payment for 2020 LOC hay ground rental.
Commissioners took a call from Jack Webb concerning brush on roadways in his area.
Commissioner Abbott arrived at 8:45 am.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge supervisor. They discussed the agreement from Mark Huck of Burns & McDonnell that is needed to extend the PD&E approval date to December 31, 2021 for John Deere bridge. They discussed brush on roadways and a quote for property insurance for the new buildings.
Commissioner Hibler moved to allow Bud Motsinger to sign the Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to Engineering Services Contract with Burns & McDonnell on BRO-B013(40) John Deere bridge. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. Commissioner Motsinger signed the agreement extending to December 31, 2021.
Commissioners opened bids at 9:20am for the hay ground on Little Otter Creek. A bid from Gabe Bowen was received for $52.50 per acre for 25 acres. Commissioner Abbott moved to accept the bid of $52.50 per acre for 25 acres from Gabe Bowen. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners met with Colt Arnold, Buildings and Grounds supervisor regarding maintenance items for the courthouse.
Commissioners met with Mike Lodewegen and Chris Campbell of Charter Communications (known locally as Spectrum), which recently won $48 million in support in the FCC’s Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) auction. Charter has announced plans to deliver gigabit high-speed broadband to approximately 61,000 unserved Missouri homes and small businesses, including more than 800 locations in Caldwell County – as estimated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Commissioners reviewed Band Bid Document and gave comments.
Commissioners reviewed the Investment Policy. Commissioner Hibler moved to adopt the Investment Policy for Caldwell County. Seconded by Commissioner Abbott. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners met with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development for the county.
Commissioners met with Sheriff Mitch Allen and Detention Center Administrator Angie Lager to discuss the fact that they can’t keep kitchen help at the current starting wage of $10.30 per hour. Other employees have been volunteering to work on their day off to cover shifts which cause overtime. Sheriff Mitch Allen requested to increase the full time help by $2.00 per hour. And the starting wage as well. After much discussion, Commissioner Abbott moved to approve the Sheriff’s request to increase the full-time kitchen staff by $2.00 per
hour and the starting wage of the kitchen staff to $12.30 per hour. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Meeting adjourned at 11:55 AM.
Commissioners attended the LEPC meeting at the Health Department.
Approval of Minutes

Commissioners Minutes May 18, 2021
Commissioners Bud Motsinger, Jonathan Abbott and Rex Hibler met in the commissioner’s room of the courthouse.
Commissioners called Allstate to approve the change order #2 for CP Excavating and asked for a breakdown of the groundbreaking expenses that they had to submit.
Commissioners called Robert Mazur 43rd Judicial Circuit Court Marshall about getting a panic button for the License office.
Commissioners spoke with Recorder of Deeds Julie Hill and deputy Angie Merrill about ideas for renovating the handicap accessible bathroom and the 2nd floor bathrooms.
Commissioner left a message for Attorney Ed Proctor about the Adam’s Abstract bill for Little Otter Creek deeds and the status of the Log Creek settlement.
Commissioners discussed getting a fence around the tower at the Sheriff’s office and called Sheriff Mitch Allen to discuss selling the large bus that is no longer in use at the detention center.
Commissioners had a conference call with Greg Pitchford from Allstate and the United States Army Corps of Engineers regarding Little Otter Creek mitigation changes.

Commissioners Minutes May 21, 2021
Commissioners Bud Motsinger, Rex Hibler and Jonathan Abbott attended the Little Otter Creek meeting at the Church of the Nazarene in Kingston.
Commissioner Hibler moved to go into closed session per RSMO 610.021 (1) legal. Commissioner Abbott seconded and a roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioner Motsinger moved to go out of closed session per RSMO 610.021 (1) legal. Commissioner Abbott seconded and a roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.

Commissioners Minutes May 23, 2021
Commissioners Bud Motsinger and Rex Hibler met at Little Otter Creek Dam site to give a presentation to the Achiever’s 4-H Club from Hamilton.

Commissioners Minutes May 24, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with Deputy Clerk Lyla Norton. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott-absent. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded, roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent. Commissioner Motsinger moved to approve May 17, 18 & 21 meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Weekly bills were paid.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge supervisor. Discussed the custom farming of the Little Otter Creek property. The Galloway Bridge beams from Viebrock are ready to start the bridge construction.
Discussed chemical for brush control.
Commissioners met with Danny Kincaid and Todd Dicks of DanComp Computers LLC for the annual update evaluation of work for the county.
Commissioners met with EMD Mark Merrill about a Moswin radio for Emergency Management use. They discussed the CERT training that was held on Saturday and the upcoming COAD meeting.
Commissioners met with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development for the county.
Commissioners met with Sheriff Mitch Allen to discuss matters at the CCDC.
Commissioner Hibler moved to go into closed session per RSMO 610.021 (3) Personnel. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. Roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea;
Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Commissioner Hibler moved to go out of closed session. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. Roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Commissioners met with Assessor Beverly Alden regarding tax assessments.
Commissioners called Derin Campbell of Allstate to discuss Turkey Creek AOP sites.
Commissioners met with Prosecutor Brady Kopek to discuss the Old 36 Highway contract with MODOT.
Meeting adjourned at 1:45PM.

Commissioners Minutes May 25, 2021
Commissioners Bud Motsinger attended the Green Hills Regional Planning Solid Waste meeting in Trenton.

Commissioners Minutes May 28, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:45 am in the commissioner’s room of the Caldwell County Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger; present Rex Hibler; present Jonathan Abbott; absent. Commissioner Motsinger moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Hibler seconded, roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Payroll was signed.
Commissioners called Keri Reinhardt to discuss MOPERM insurance.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.