March 2022 Minutes

Commissioners Minutes March 1, 2022
Commissioner Bud Motsinger participated in the virtual meeting of the Northwest Workforce Development Board meeting.

Commissioners Minutes March 4, 2022
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Caldwell County Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger; present Rex Hibler; present, Jonathan Abbott; present. Commissioner Abbott moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Hibler seconded. A roll call vote was taken; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners met with Collector/Treasurer Beth Larkins regarding a change in the signatures at the bank for the License office account. Commissioner Hibler moved to remove Sharon Wright, previous license office manager and add the new license office manager Ashley McNew on the license office bank signature cards. Commissioner Abbott seconded the motion and a roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. Beth will get the change to the bank.
Commissioners met with Sheriff Mitch Allen. He gave them an update on cases in the county.
Commissioners discussed the plans for the NW Commissioners meeting that they are hosting on March 10th .
Payroll was signed.
Commissioners returned a call to Jack Schaffer of Farmers Electric regarding a right-of-way easement for the county lake property to allow the dam contractor to get temporary electric service. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve Presiding Commissioner Bud Motsinger to sign the right-of-way easement with Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Inc on behalf of the county, described as follows: 10 acres in the SW quarter of the SE quarter in Section 32, township 57 North range 27 West – setting 3 poles going North on the East side of Cottonwood Rd. Seconded by Commissioner Abbott and a roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Clerk Owen left at 9:45 to attend the NW Clerks meeting.
Commissioners agreed to pay Sharon Wright to continue updating the county web page and for helping Ashley McNew train in the License office.
Commissioners signed a letter to R&W Containers LLC stating they were current on taxes, permits and fees, this was by their request.
Commissioners approved ARPA applications that were reviewed by the appointed ARPA committee and Administrator Larry Chipman.
Commissioners met with the new License Office Manager Ashley McNew about training and her concerns for operating the license office.
Commissioners called the caterer Peggy Cole to finalize the menu and number of people attending the NW Commissioners meeting hosted by Caldwell County.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.

Commissioners Minutes March 5, 2022
Commissioners Bud Motsinger, Jonathan Abbot, Rex Hibler and Clerk Christine Owen attended the Little Otter Creek Reservoir Recreation Planning Event held at Stagecoach Park in Polo, MO.

Commissioners Minutes March 10, 2022
Commissioners Bud Motsinger, Jonathan Abbot, Rex Hibler and Clerk Christine Owen hosted a meeting for the NW Commissioners. It was held at The Pearl at Crawford Farm, Hamilton, MO. Commissioners from the NW and other sponsors attended the meeting.

Commissioners Minutes March 14, 2022
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott-present. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded, a roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. Citizen Dale Akey sat in on the meeting.
Weekly bills were paid, and the pooled cash report was reviewed.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge Supervisor. They discussed replacing tubes on Gospel Rd and remaining FEMA work to be completed.
Commissioners held a bid opening for two aluminum box culvert. Randy Dillon with Viebrock Sales & Services LLC attended the bid opening. A bid from Viebrock Sales & Services LLC was opened for the following bids: (#1) a Contech Aluminum box structure #81, A-6—24’8” X 10’6”X31’6” long shell, 2- headwalls, receiving channel, hardware for $61,995.00 and (#2) a Contech Aluminum box structure #70- A-6 23’2” X6’11” X 31’6” shell 2 headwalls, receiving channel, hardware for $53,495.00 and (#3) for 15 pieces of 12gauge black metric sheet pile X40’ @$13.99/LFT for 600LFT is $8,394.00. The commissioners will discuss the bid with Jeff before awarding the bid.
Commissioners met with Prosecuting Attorney Brady Kopek regarding the grain belt road use agreement options.
Commissioners met with Allstate Consultants by video Zoom meeting to discuss Little Otter Creek construction progress.
Commissioner Motsinger left the meeting.
Commissioners met with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development opportunities for the county.
Commissioner Motsinger called in to rejoin the meeting.
Commissioners met virtually with Neogov for a presentation of the products they offer.
Commissioners met with Colt Arnold, Buildings & Grounds supervisor regarding the posted janitor position and a workers compensation claim.
Commissioners met by phone with Attorney Travis Elliott and Prosecutor Brady Kopek regarding the grain belt road use agreement.
Meeting adjourned at 12:50 PM

Commissioners Minutes March 17, 2022
Commissioner Jonathan Abbott met with Judge Jason Kanoy regarding concerns around the courthouse.
Commissioner Jonathan Abbott met with State Representative Randy Railsback and 911 Coordinators
Marty Gray and Hillary Hosman regarding the 911 dispatchers and state legislation.

Commissioners Minutes March 18, 2022
Commissioner Jonathan Abbott called the meeting to order at 8:40 am in the commissioner’s room of the Caldwell County Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger; absent, Rex Hibler; present, Jonathan Abbott; present. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Abbott seconded. A roll call vote was taken; Bud Motsinger was absent; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Payroll was signed.
Commissioners discussed addressing regarding GeoComm within the county.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.

Commissioners Minutes March 21, 2022
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott- present. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Motsinger moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Hibler seconded, a roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. Dale Akey sat in on the meeting.
Weekly bills were paid, and the pooled cash report was reviewed.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge Supervisor. They discussed
Prosecuting Attorney Brady Kopek joined the meeting to discuss the grain belt document that the commissioners had reviewed.
Commissioner Hibler moved to advertise for brush removal for the following locations: Davis Township at Section 10 at SE Tait Park Drive and section 31 & 32 at SE Black Oak Road; Grant Township at section 8 on SW Longhorn Drive; Kingston Township at section 10 & 11 at NE Far West Drive; Rockford Township at section 21 on SW Ore Road. Commissioner Motsinger seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. The bids will be opened on April 11, 2022 at 9:00 AM.
Commissioner Hibler moved to accept the bids for the aluminum culverts and sheet pile that were opened last week from Viebrock Sales & Service LLC as follows: (1) #81 for $61,995.00 and (2) #70 for $53,495.00 and (3) 15 pieces of 12-gauge sheet pile for $8,394.00. Commissioner Abbott seconded the motion and a roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners reviewed 2021 Financial Statements for the following townships: Davis, Grant, Kingston, Mirabile and Rockford.
Commissioner Motsinger signed the quality control and safety document regarding the Little Otter Creek construction of the dam.
Commissioners met with Mazy Boyd to visit about the priorities of Caldwell County.
Commissioners met with Danny Kincaid of DanComp Computers LLC regarding the annual contract for services and a review of the past year.

Commissioners met with T.J. Berry from Liberty Hospital regarding the MU Health System within the service territory. He told about a new orthopedic joint replacement surgical building in the Northland. He would like to have a letter of support from the county.
Commissioners met with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development opportunities for the county.
Commissioners met with Jackie Spainhower & Bob Hughes of (NCMBF) North Central Missouri Business Facilitation for updates and what they can do to help new businesses in the county.
Commissioners met with Collector/Treasurer Beth Larkins concerning a property tax matter with a concerned citizen.
Commissioners met with Colt Arnold Planning and Zoning Supervisor. Commissioner Motsinger moved to approve a conditional use permit for KGI Wireless for a proposed Version wireless tower located ¼ mile south of Highway 116 and off the east side of SW Holstein Road near Polo. Commissioner Hibler seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioner Motsinger and Hibler attended the LEPC meeting at the Health Department.
Commissioner Motsinger and Hibler returned to the courthouse and met with Larry Chipman to review and discuss the ARPA applications that were approved by the ARPA committee. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the following ARPA applications: (1) $2,618.00 for the CERT Team of Caldwell County (2) $112,500 for the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office (3) $5,000.000 for the Braymer Food Pantry. Commissioner Motsinger seconded and a roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Commissioner Hibler moved to approve meeting minutes from February 4, 7, 9-11 and 17 th , and March 4, 7, 10, 17 and 18 th . Commissioner Motsinger seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Commissioner Hibler left the meeting. Commissioner Abbott returned to the meeting. They discussed the ARPA applications.

Commissioners Minutes March 28, 2022
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott- present. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Abbott seconded. A roll call vote was called as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. Dale Akey sat in on the meeting.
Weekly bills were paid, and the pooled cash report was reviewed.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge Supervisor. They discussed brush letters and a quote for a Kubota mini excavator for $74,716.00. They were able to run a disc over the Little Otter Creek ground.
Commissioner Hibler moved to advertise for brush removal on Davis Township at Section 10 on SE Evans Road and to send certified brush letters to a landowner in Davis Township at section 29, SE Black Oak Rd and to a landowner in Hamilton Township at section 26, NW Tom Creek Rd & NW Barwick Dr. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. The bids will be opened on April 11, 2022 at 9:00 AM.
Nathan King and Scott Stephens of MODOT joined the meeting for the 2021 bridge close out meeting. They brought the county a book and flash drive containing all of the 156 bridges that MODOT inspected and a list of the recommendations they had for each bridge. This included the scour reports and fracture critical. Anything rated 4 or below are on the replacement list.
Commissioner Hibler and Motsinger participated in a virtual call with Allstate Consultants regarding the construction at Little Otter Creek Reservoir.
Commissioner Abbott participated in a phone call with other counties regarding the Grain Belt.
Commissioners met with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development opportunities for the county.
Commissioners met with Brent Stevens of the Northwest Workforce Development Board (NWWDB) regarding the
Commissioners met with Mark Merrill Emergency Management Director for the county regarding a lease for the repeaters for the HAM radios.