December 2021 Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Minutes December 3, 2021
Commissioners Bud Motsinger and Rex Hibler attended MODOT budget presentation sponsored by the Green Hills Regional Planning Commission at Cameron.

Commissioners Minutes December 6, 2021
Commissioner Rex Hibler called the meeting to order at 8:30 in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse. Commissioner Bud Motsinger and County Clerk Christine Owen were absent. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-absent; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott-present. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Abbott moved to approve the amended agenda and Commissioner Hibler seconded roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger was absent; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners had a phone call from Melissa Poje, road and bridge secretary. She reached out to Randy Howe of NW Ag Services and he is pleased with the road brush removal in Mirabile, Rockford and Grant Townships which cuts down on equipment repairs.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge supervisor. The crew repaired the tube at Tonya Lohman’s drive that was causing the drainage issues. They replaced tubes in Hamilton Township and finished bridge inspections. They discussed brush letters that need to be sent out. Commissioner Abbott moved to approve sending certified letters to the following locations in Mirabile Township: Section 25 on SW Hollow Road and Section 30 on SW Duroc Drive; and in Kingston Township Section 30 & 31 on SW Houghton Road; and Rockford Township Sections 32 & 33 on SW Price Drive and Gold Road; and Lincoln Township Section 1 on SE Sparks Road; Sections 1, 2, 8, 11 & 12 on SE Tobin Valley Drive; Section 6 on SE Wildlife Road; Section 24 & 25 on SE Soo Line Drive; Section 25 of SE Oliver Road and Section 29 on SE Apache Road. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler and a roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger was absent; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. The beans on the county property were combined. The pollinator planting area will be burned off by Phillip Sneed so that the ground will be ready to plant soon. They discussed a complaint about a bridge on Colt Drive.
Weekly bills were paid and the pooled cash report was reviewed.
Commissioners met by phone call with Cary Sayre of Allstate Engineers regarding the progress on the Little Otter Creek Reservoir. The bid should be awarded after all the funding is secured.
Commissioners called Colt Arnold, buildings and grounds supervisor to discuss the status of the courthouse boiler inspection. All repairs have been completed and both boilers are operating.
County Clerk Christine Owen joined the meeting.
Commissioners met with Sheriff Mitch Allen to discuss the 2022 dispatching contracts with City of Hamilton, City of Polo and the Caldwell County Ambulance District. There is an increase in the monthly cost. Commissioner Abbott moved to approve signing the contracts with the Sheriff as follows: City of Polo for $434.10 per month; City of Hamilton for $868.21 per month and Caldwell County Ambulance District for $940.56 per month. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler and a roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger was absent; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. The commissioners signed the 2022 contracts along with Sheriff Mitch Allen. Jail Administrator Mike Horn and Assistant Administrator Jessica Farmer joined the meeting and they talked about the jail and the issue of keeping employees.
Commissioners met with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development for the county and a current project that is looking at ground within the area that City of Cameron Industrial Park has in Caldwell County.
Commissioners met with Dale Akey, Stephen Reed and Cheryl Corbin, board members of the Caldwell County Extension office regarding the budget request for 2022. The new building was set on the property just to the North of the courthouse. They are targeting to move in around February 1, 2022. The budget has increased to accommodate plans for a dedicated YPA for our county instead of sharing one with other counties, which will give the county better service.
Commissioners met with Michael Marriott area engineer for MODOT to discuss plans for highway improvements in the county and how the county and MODOT can work together to improve Old Highway 36.
Commissioner Abbott moved to approve the November 19 open and closed session meeting minutes and November 24 and 29 meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger was absent; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Meeting adjourned at 1:50PM.

Commissioners Minutes December 7, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger attended the NCMBF meeting and participated by phone in the NW Workforce Development Board meeting.
Commissioner Jonathan Abbott attended the fire chiefs meeting in Kingston.

Commissioners Minutes December 8, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger participated by phone in the Green Hills Regional Planning Finance Committee meeting and attended in person to the Hamilton city council meeting.

Commissioners Minutes December 10, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Caldwell County Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger; present Rex Hibler; present Jonathan Abbott; present. Commissioner Abbott moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Hibler seconded. A roll call vote was taken; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Payroll was signed.
Commissioners met with Sheriff Mitch Allen regarding a payroll issue. He has started a new program this year called “Shop with a Cop” and he hopes for it to be an annual program.
Commissioners met with Emergency Management Director Mark Merrill. He shared the EMPG grant for 2 storm sirens that has been approved and now needs a signature to submit. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the presiding commissioner to sign on behalf of the county, the FY20 Emergency Management Performance Grant for $50,000 for 2 storm sirens. Seconded by Commissioner Abbott and a roll call vote was taken as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners received a call from Debbie Davis of the MU Extension Council to discuss the new extension building.
Commissioner Abbott left for a court hearing and Clerk Owen left for a clerk’s meeting.
Commissioners discussed cyber security insurance and MODOT options for maintaining Old Highway 36.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 am.

Commissioners Minutes December 13, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott-absent. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded, roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Commissioners paid weekly bills and the pooled cash report was reviewed.
Colt Arnold of Planning and Zoning stopped by to discuss the upcoming meeting with the commissioners.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge supervisor. They discussed the maintenance of Old Highway 36 between MODOT and the county. Commissioner Hibler moved to send a certified brush letter to a property in Rockford Township on Section 21 SW Reno Drive. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent. Jeff asked the commissioners about updating the county procurement policy. They will look into updating it. Commissioners and Jeff met with Jessica Schmidt regarding an incident on Colt bridge.
Commissioners and Jeff met with Scott Smith OSP Engineer from Green Hills Communication and Kevin Neff of Finley Engineering. They are making plans for a new fiber line from Breckenridge to Hamilton. They wanted to discuss the roads and easements.
Commissioners had a call from Cary Sayre of Allstate Engineers regarding the progress on the Little Otter Creek Reservoir.
Commissioners met with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development for the county.
Commissioners met by phone with Danny Kincaid of DanComp Computers.
Commissioners met with Mike Ryan of Creative Planning regarding the 2022 MOPERM renewal.
Commissioners met with Prosecuting Attorney Brady Kopek to discuss hiring for an open spot in his office.
Clerk Owen gave commissioners the expenditure report through November 30 including the percentage of budget remaining for the year.
Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the December 3, 6, 7, 8 & 10 meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Commissioners Minutes December 15, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger attended the Transportation Advisory Committee meeting of Green Hills Regional Planning Commission in Trenton at the Barton Campus.

Commissioners Minutes December 16, 2021
Commissioners Bud Motsinger and Rex Hibler attended the NW District Commissioners meeting at Missouri Western State University.
Commissioner Bud Motsinger attended the retirement for MU Extension NW Regional director Joe Lear held in Hamilton and that evening attended the Planning & Zoning meeting at the courthouse.

Commissioners Minutes December 17, 2021
Commissioners Jonathan Abbott and Rex Hibler attended the county Christmas dinner held at the Kingston Church of the Nazarene.
Commissioner Bud Motsinger attended the Northwest Roundtable of Economic Development in Cameron and the Great Northwest Days planning meeting in Cameron.

Commissioners Minutes December 20, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott-absent. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded, roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the December 13, 15, 16 & 17 meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent. Commissioner Abbott arrived at 8:39 AM.
The pooled cash report was reviewed, and the weekly bills were paid.
Commissioners met with Jeff Campbell, Road and Bridge supervisor. They discussed the planning and zoning meeting and the flagpole needs repaired.
Commissioners opened brush removal bids for the following locations:

  • Kingston Twsp, Sec 30 & 31, SW Houghton Rd
  • Gomer Twsp, Sec 25, NE Sandstone Dr
  • Gomer Twsp, Sec 29, Dogwood Rd & NE JC Penney Dr
  • Rockford Twsp, Sec 15 & 16, SW Peak Rd
  • Grant Twsp, Sec 9, SW Longhorn Dr x2 properties
  • Grant Twsp, Sec 23, SE Royals Rd
  • Grant Twsp, Sec 17, SW Zack Wheat Dr

Landowners will be notified of the bid amount and given time to respond before the bids would be accepted.
Commissioners met with Todd Schuler- State Auditor- report of procedure audit. Commissioner Hibler moved to go into Closed session per RSMO 610.021(17) confidential or privileged communications between a public government body and its auditor. Commissioner Abbott seconded the motion. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioner Abbott moved to go back into open session. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners met with Mark Huck, Project Engineer for Burns and McDonnell for a bid opening for John Deere Rd BRO-B013(40) project. Those present were: Mike Sattman of MS Contracting LLC; Tom Decker of Decker Construction Services; Greg Cox, landowner; Gene Hailer of Gene Hailer Excavating, Inc.; Brett Hall of Lehman Construction LLC; Chris Childress C&C Bridge & Concrete, Inc; Jeff Campbell.

  1.  MS Contracting LLC of Brookfield, MO for $973,556.00
  2. Decker Construction Services of Lathrop, MO for $992,412.00
  3. C&C Bridge & Concrete, Inc. of Pilot Grove, MO for $997,085.00
  4. Gene Haile Excavating, Inc. of California, MO for $1,100,000.00
  5. Lehman Construction, LLC of California, MO for $1,156,049.00
  6. Brookfield Box & Bridge, LLC of Brookfield, MO for $1,305,205.00

The bids will be tabulated and reviewed by Mark Huck before the commission will award the bid.
Commissioners met by Zoom call with Allstate Engineers regarding the progress on the Little Otter Creek Reservoir.
Commissioners met with Eugene Rennison landowner in Davis Township to discuss the county brush law.
Commissioners met by phone with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development for the county.
Commissioners met with Jason Brown and Andrew Schulte regarding a road use agreement.
Commissioners met with Assessor Beverly Alden about signing a letter regarding a tax overpayment.
Commissioners met with Colt Arnold regarding courthouse maintenance and the 2022 budget request.
Commissioner Motsinger moved to approve the recommendation of Dominique Kelly to fill the Davis Township Clerk position due to the vacancy of Carolyn Clevenger due to her passing away. Seconded by Commissioner Abbott. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Adjourned at 2:00 PM.

Commissioners Minutes December 23, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 9:15 am in the commissioner’s room of the Caldwell County Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger; present Rex Hibler; absent Jonathan Abbott; present. Commissioner Abbott moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded. A roll call vote was taken; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler was absent; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Payroll was signed.
Commissioners reviewed the elected official’s salary and discussed the term of office amounts.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.

Commissioners Minutes December 27, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 8:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Courthouse. County Clerk Christine Owen participated by phone. Roll call: Bud Motsinger-present; Rex Hibler- present; Jonathan Abbott-absent. They opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded, roll call vote as follows; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the December 20 & 23 meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott was absent.
Weekly bills were paid and the pooled cash report was reviewed.
Commissioners met with Emergency Management Director Mark Merrill. They discussed the 2022 budget request and the EMPG grant that covers half of some of his expenses. He has a grant for 2 more storm sirens and also covers half of the transfer switch to connect to the courthouse. Commissioner Abbott arrived at 8:49 AM. Discussed the current expenses and what he needs for next year.
Commissioner Abbott moved to sign the Certified Copy of Order No. 2021-12-27 An Order Approving the Financial Assistance Agreement by and between the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Caldwell County Commission for the Little Otter Creek Reservoir Project. Seconded by Commissioner Motsinger. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners met with Patricia Daniels landowner on Ore Road about a ditch that needs cleaned out.
Commissioners met with Public Administrator Richard Lee to discuss the 2022 budget request.
Commissioners met with Larry Chipman, ARPA administrator for Caldwell County. They reviewed an application from MAC Attorney Travis Elliott which will be used for funding requests.
Commissioners met with Terry Rumery to discuss economic development for the county.
Commissioners met with Circuit Judge Ryan Horsman, Circuit Court Marshal Robert Mazur and Juvenile Officer Seth Oakes for the 2022 budget request.
Commissioners reviewed the bid tabulations from the bid opening on December 20, 2021 for Federal-Aid Project No. BRO-B013(40) Bridge No. 37200051 on NW John Deere Rd over Shoal Creek. Mark Huck, Project Manager for Burns & McDonnell reviewed and based upon the bids received, a review of the unit prices has recommended acceptance of the low bid ($973,556.00) submitted by MS Contracting, LLC.
Commissioner Hibler moved to approve and sign the Federal-Aid Project No. BRO-B013(40) Bridge No. 37200051 on NW John Deere Rd over Shoal Creek to MS Contracting, LLC for $973,556.00 and seconded by Commissioner Abbott. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler
voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioners met with Office Administrator Nicole Lund about a change on the deputy sheriff’s salary grant and it needs to be sent back to the state to correct it.
Commissioners had a phone call from Cary Sayre of Allstate Consultants to discuss signing the Little Otter Creek notice of award.
Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the signing of the Little Otter Creek Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Notice of Award for the dam construction to Phillips Hardy, Inc for $14,400,486.75 and Commissioner Motsinger seconded. A roll call vote taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea. The notice of award was signed by the commission.
Commissioners signed a check for the deputy sheriff’s grant correction and checks for elected officials pay correction.
Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Commissioners Minutes December 31, 2021
Commissioner Bud Motsinger called the meeting to order at 10:30 am in the commissioner’s room of the Caldwell County Courthouse with County Clerk Christine Owen. Roll call: Bud Motsinger; present Rex Hibler; absent Jonathan Abbott; present. Commissioner Abbott moved to approve the agenda and Commissioner Motsinger seconded. A roll call vote was taken; Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Clerk Owen gave the commissioners the final year end expenditure reports ending December 31, 2021 which include the percentage of budget used for the year.
A Public Hearing for 2021 Budget Adjustment was held. Commissioner Motsinger called the hearing to order. Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the following budget adjustments to the 2021 budget:

  • Law Enforcement Fund – Add $89,000 to the revenues to account for the transfer from General Revenue
  • General Revenue – Add $79,000 to the expenditures to cover the transfer out to Law Enforcement
  • Law Enforcement Fund – Add $83,000 to the expenditures for detention center inmate board
  • Inmate Detainee Fund– Add $52,000 to the expenditures for inmate phone cards
  • Time Payment Fund – Add $500 to the expenditures for office expenses

This motion was seconded by Commissioner Abbott. A roll call vote to approve the budget adjustments was as follows: Rex Hibler voted yea, Bud Motsinger voted yea, and Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioner Hibler moved to approve the Transfer of $295,000 from General Revenue Fund to Law Enforcement Fund. This transaction was per the 2021 budget. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler and a roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Commissioner Abbott moved to approve the Transfer of $313,400.00 from General Revenue Fund to Law Enforcement Fund. This transaction was not in the 2021 budget but needed due to the lack of revenues generated or received in the Law Enforcement Fund. Seconded by Commissioner Hibler and a roll call vote was taken as follows: Bud Motsinger voted yea; Rex Hibler voted yea; Jonathan Abbott voted yea.
Meeting adjourned at 12:45 am.